Planning on taking summer classes? Please make sure you have enrolled for summer before accessing the application. The Summer Supplemental Aid Application is now available. 

Need help paying for college?

We are dedicated to helping you obtain an affordable education.

From filling out the FAFSA to applying for 奖学金 and loans, we want your financial journey at Colorado Mesa University to be stress free.

如需协助,请浏览 虹膜的桌子 on the first floor of Lowell Heiny Hall or call 970.248.1177.

Review Your 提供经济援助!


试 金融援助 Net Price Calculator for a better understanding of your financial need.

total aid awarded last year


lowest tuition and 费用 among other four-year Colorado colleges


of first-time students received a scholarship last year

IRIS is here to help you with your financial aid questions

Whether you're a first-time freshman or a recurring student, the IRIS staff is available to help you through the financial aid process.

Get help with financial aid